Michael S. Byrd is a partner at the law firm of ByrdAdatto, a national business and healthcare boutique law firm. As the son of a doctor and entrepreneur, Michael has a personal connection to both business and medicine, and he has blended these life experiences to become a leading advocate for doctors and dentists throughout the United States. Today he joins the show to share his advice for any physicians looking to become involved in entrepreneurial activities, including running a private practice.

Listen in as Michael shares where physicians tend to go wrong when it comes to legal issues and how “$5 problems” often escalate to become “$50 solutions.”  Michael also discusses success factors that every doctor should be aware of when working with attorneys.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Michael's background and what pushed him to become an attorney

  • How he began representing physicians early in his career and never deviated

  • Advice for physicians involved in entrepreneurial activities

  • Where physicians tend to go wrong when evaluating and treating legal issues

  • Success factors that any doctor should know when working with an attorney

  • How his firm charges physicians differently than nearly all other law firms 

Ideas Worth Sharing:

“We realized we are truly entrepreneurs living in lawyers’ bodies.” - Michael Byrd

“There wasn’t the same appreciation for the level of risk and decisions you’re making when you’re building something for others or it is your own creation.” - Michael Byrd

“The thing with doctors is they are not very good about going to doctors.” - Michael Byrd

Resources Mentioned:


Orthopaedic Experiences: The Navy SEALs to the New England Patriots


Signing Blindly: Physician Employment Agreement with Gary Tuma, MD